Work Place Injury Prevention
This article goes over exercises and strategies for work place injury prevention. Written by 2 amazing licensed physical therapists, Bobby Tagawa and Bernie Soriano from Central Oahu PT Specialists. See what musculoskeletal injuries are common and their risk factors. Identify the inflexibility and weakness that contributes. Get a set of exercises to be done daily for work place injury prevention.

- Common MSK Disorders Associated with Overuse
- Risk Factors associated with MSK Disorders
- Common Impairments/Problems contributing repetitive overuse positions/movements
- Inflexibility
- Weakness
- Dynamic/Functional vs Static/Uniplanar Exercises
- Video Exercises: Combine movements, multiple muscles addressed
Common Overuse Musculoskeletal Injuries
- Carpal Tunnel
- Mechanical Neck Pain with or without Radiculopathy
- Shoulder Impingement
- Frozen Shoulder
- Lateral Epicondylitis “Tennis Elbow”
- Mechanical Low Back Pain with or without Radiculopathy or Sciatica
- Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Achilles Tendonitis

General Risk Factors for Musculoskeletal Conditions/Injuries
- Previous injury
- Poor postural awareness/habituated incorrect static and dynamic ergonomics
- Decreased strength/stability
- Poor mobility/flexibility
- Abnormal/inefficient motor firing patterns of movement
General Impairments Associated with Common Musculoskeletal Dysfunction
- Inflexibility/Tightness
- Wrist Flexors- Muscles Palm Surface of Forearm
- Pectoralis Major/Minor- Chest Muscles
- Upper Cervical Spine- Suboccipital Muscles
- Rectus Abdominis- Six pack muscles
- Hip Flexors- Muscles in Front of your Hip
- Piriformis- Deep Hip Rotators (deep buttocks)
- Gastrocnemius- Calf Muscles
- Plantar Fascia- Arch of Foot
- Weakness/Poor Motor Control
- Deep Cervical Flexors- Deep Muscles in Neck
- Middle and Lower Trapezius- Shoulder Blade Muscles
- Transverse Abdominis- Deep Abdominal Muscles
- Rotator Cuff- Shoulder Muscles
- Gluteals- Buttocks Muscles
Benefits for Focal Exercises?
- Improves energy levels
- Elevates mood
- Directly linked to brain health and memory
- Improve physical dexterity/resilience; i.e., less prone to injury
- We tend to hurt ourselves in positions or movement patterns that we don’t train or use often
- Improves quality of sleep
- Current research shows a shift
- Traditional: static stretches, long duration holds to improve muscle fiber length
- Current: muscles may not be traditionally shortened vs neurologically inhibited
- Antagonist strengthening improve “muscle flexibility” in antagonist more than traditional static stretches
- Dynamic movements may improve nervous system’s ability to recruit muscles in multiple planes.

Things to Note
- These are combined exercises- multiple muscle sites being addressed
- Transverse Abdominis and Deep Cervical Flexor contraction
- Repeat on both sides
- 10 reps on each side, 1 sets, holding position for 2-3 seconds, Modify to 5 reps for last 3 exercises
- Perform every hr to facilitate neuroplasticity
- #1 – Squat with Shoulder External Rotation
- #2 – Trunk Rotation with Shoulder Horizontal Abduction
- #3 – Core Standing Tandem Exercise
- #4 – Core Stability with Hip Flexion/Abduction
- #5 – Single Arm Bent Over Row
- #6 – Squat Press
- #7 – Monster Walks with Isometric Neutral Wrist
- #8 – Reverse Lunge Hamstring Stretch
Exercises on Youtube Video
Final Thoughts
- Get up and move!!!
- Bodies weren’t designed for prolonged static positions
- Try to change positions every 30 min
- Posture
- The starting point of all movement – if we start in a good position, higher chance of moving in a good position
- Breathe
Thanks for Reading! Hopefully this helps with your work place injury prevention. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, and linked in.
Central Oahu PT Specialists Contact Information
- tagawab@centraloahupt.com
- sorianob@centraloahupt.com
- Office Phone: 450-9250
- Office Fax:
- www.facebook.com/centraloahupt/
- centraloahupt.com