Where is Mom MD Hawaii?

Where is Mom MD Hawaii?

No blog posts for October?  No vlogs and minimal Facebook and Instagram.  Where is Mom MD Hawaii?  Sorry about the blog and YouTube silence, which will all be explained below.



What Kind of Doctor Gets the Flu Twice?


First off, I need to apologize to subscribers, who are mostly friends and family.  I definitely took a long break from writing any blog posts.  It started with getting the flu in October.  The whole family got the flu, so there was a lot of taking care of others, and according to my husband, not enough taking care of myself.  I got the flu, not just once, but twice.  The fevers, chills, body aches, coughing, and congestion really took me out.  I actually took a day off, and I HATE to call in sick.  Over a week later, while I was still recovering I got sick again, with the same symptoms all over again.  It really felt like I was sick all through October.  The second bout of the flu was likely due to incomplete rest and recovery, so some true down time with less stress and more sleeping and rest was essential to a full recovery.  Read more all about the flu here, including how to prevent and treat the flu.


basketball jiu jitsu full mount


Chauffeur Duties


On top of the worst flu ever, my kids both started playing basketball, which meant that as primary chauffeur there were now 3 more practices and 2 games a week to get to.  This was in addition to soccer 3 times a week, Jiu-jitsu 3 times a week, wrestling 2 times a week, and ballet and jazz on Sundays.  Basically I was running around like a chicken without a head.  As of this weekend AYSO soccer season has ended, so that lessens the chauffeur time considerably so that I can breathe a little.


jiu jitsu

Crazy Couponing


While at home on my sick day I also discovered Crazy Couponing.  I had heard about couponing before, but I discovered Free Stuff Finder and The Crazy Coupon Lady and I was hooked.  Their websites inspired me to start couponing to save money and find deals in earnest.  They really do make it much easier to find and hear about the best deals.  Unfortunately, only the Target and Amazon deals translate from the mainland to Hawaii exactly the same.  Maybe some of the Wal-Mart ones are the same too.  All the other stores don’t have exactly the same prices, but I did discover that they honor any online prices and Wal-Mart and Target will price match.  So, I admit that I’ve devoted too much time and energy to finding deals, cutting coupons, etc.  When I get a good deal it makes me very excited and happy.  Any other crazy couponers know what I mean?



Crafting Versus Blogging


The last and final reason for the prolonged hiatus was the choice I made between crafting and blogging.  With the diminished time, because of all the reasons above, I made the conscious choice to do crafts instead of blog.  There was a bunch of custom iron on shirts made for Halloween and as gifts but no time to blog about them.



Thanks for letting me answer where is Mom MD Hawaii?  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  As always I’m so grateful for the opportunity to share a little of my life and loves.


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The Flu is Kicking My Butt

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Photo by NASA on Unsplash


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