Room for Self-Improvement
Okay, I admit that I lose my temper much too often. Usually it’s because I’ve lost my patience with my kids. I love them to death, but lord help me, I definitely don’t always respond correctly. I make mistakes all the time, usually daily, and think I’ve gotten better at admitting when I’m in the wrong and saying I’m sorry. I am still a work in progress. Today I feel like baring my soul and I’m gonna list all my room for self-improvement, it’s the biggest room in my house.
Why the Self Improvement List?
Because church, not just God, has been a bigger and bigger part of my life, and with it is a greater sense of doing more. More working, building, changing and growing from the inside out. Plus making a room for self-improvement list public establishes accountability. This way my failings and my goals are out there for everyone to see and a way to check back on frequently.
Room for Self-Improvement
- Patience
- Thinking Before Speaking
- Losing It
- Procrastinating
- Appreciating Every Moment
- No Bull Sh*t
- Being Okay With Okay
Fully appreciating the patience my parents, grandparents, and teachers displayed when I was a child was not fully understood until I had children of my own. Children definitely test patience and continue to push the boundaries of patience. But, when being really honest I have to admit that I am impatient in general. A common complaint is that the now generation expects everything instantly. In a world of fast food, instant Goggle answers, online books, downloadable watch now shows and movies, there is no more waiting. Remember going to a movie store or looking through the yellow pages? Remember using a paper map to find people, places, or businesses?
Alas, I myself am guilty of expecting, wanting, and needing instant gratification. So in addition to having more patience with my kids, who test my patience daily, I will strive to have patience in every aspect of my life. Whether it’s waiting for ordered food, in traffic, or in line at the grocery store. Taking an extra minute or five is not the end of the world and budgeting in extra time will be essential. Plus, remembering to count to 10 when losing patience is always a good idea.
Thinking Before Speaking
Everyone has said something they regret, maybe even immediately after they said it. I think I do this way too often. You would think that as an adult, controlling loose lips would be easier. But, often I blurt out the first thing I’m thinking or feeling. I’m much too transparent in my thoughts and feelings. I’m especially bad at voicing things before really thinking about them. Thus, thinking BEFORE, not after, speaking is another major goal. Slipping up will still happen, but being aware and making positive change will be a huge part of this battle.

Losing It
Temper, temper. Per my husband, my crazy Korean hot temper shines through. Hopefully, there has been some improvement in the amount and severity lately. Less temper outbursts aligns closely with patience, thinking before speaking, and appreciating every moment. I don’t expect to never get angry. My goal is to vent and respond to anger and frustration appropriately. No yelling. Maybe a time-out for myself and then being able to go back later to discuss with my husband and kids. OF course it’s only with those closest to us who we can really lose our tempers with.
So many things to do and so little time. Stopping procrastination is key to accomplishing goals. Little things, like folding laundry, and big things, like setting up a last will and testament, need to be done today. This includes writing this Blog. I need to write more consistently and just get things done. No excuses. Just Do It. I definitely stole that one.
Appreciating Every Moment
Life passes by so quickly and my children are growing like weeds. Before blinking they will be grown and gone. Both my husband and I discuss this often and I try to remind myself daily how precious each and every second of every day is. Using everyday to its fullest, but also thanking God for this precious life with its many blessings, will help me get better in all of my other areas for improvement. Who knows when that nuclear bomb will come and potentially end it all. Which was a reality for everyone in the state of Hawaii for 40 minutes on a Saturday morning with our nuclear bomb scare.
No Bull Sh*t
I lie to myself and others. Call them little white lies, we all do it, but lying especially to ourselves is detrimental. The worst lies are those we tell ourselves and convince ourselves to believe, because they are hardest to recognize. This especially applies to failings and needs for self-improvement. If areas for improvement aren’t identified, then there is no way to get better, grow, or change. Loved ones are the best to see and identify the bull sh*t we tell ourselves and others. They would be the best people to help weed out the BS.
Being Okay With Okay
Perfectionism. Sometimes perfectionism is good at motivating. But, as a wife, mother, physician, teacher, and all the other hats I wear, perfectionism is not possible. Even writing that feels wrong. Trying my best needs to still be a goal, but it doesn’t have to be perfect. I need to accept good enough sometimes and be okay with that or drive myself crazy. The perfect example is keeping my house clean. It’s never going to be perfectly clean with 2 kids and I’m okay with that.
Thanks for reading my list of room for self-improvement. Hopefully my list makes you feel better about any personal goals you may have for self-improvement, or maybe it will inspire you to start one of your own. This will definitely keep me accountable for all the things I need to continue to work on. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. Lots of love and Aloha and I hope you all have an awesome week!
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