Cricut Maker Giveaway!
This is not a full post, but I wanted to get the word out ASAP about the FREE Cricut Maker Giveaway that I entered and wanted to let as much people know about it before the giveaway ends on September 17. UPDATE: This giveaway has ended. Sadly I did not win the free Cricut Maker, but hopefully you did if you entered. See below for more info on the Circut Maker and the Circuit Explore Air, which is the machine I currently have.
Enter for FREE to get a brand new Cricut Maker
Enter now by clicking here. (Giveaway has ended as of September 17, 2017).
I’m sure many of you are asking yourselves what is a Cricut Maker?
It’s the newest personal cutting machine from the Cricut family. I am in love with my Cricut Explore Air cutting machine and I am super excited about the Circuit Maker that can cut even more then my machine; like fabric, wood, leather, and a ton of other materials (literally hundreds of stuff). Unfortunately, my Circuit Explore Air purchase is not even a year old, and because of the expense I cannot yet justify spending $399 to buy a Cricut Maker. However, I just entered the FREE giveaway for the Cricut Maker being held by the Dreaming Tree through the link above. If I win one then I won’t have to continue to drool over the machine. So if you, or your mom, sister, wife, friend, or anyone you know is at all crafty then enter the FREE giveaway and maybe win someone an awesome free machine.
See the video below to get an idea of what the Cricut Maker is all about.
Other Cricut Cutting Machine Models
If you’re looking to buy one of the older models I can tell you more about it through personal experience. The Cricut Explore Air helps me be crafty in my usual minimalist style. With minimal time I have been able to make some awesome crafts. They have ready made projects and the Cricut Design Space program and app make it super easy to design exactly what you need and want in any size or amount. You use a computer or iPhone/iPad to map out exactly what your project will look like and then the Cricut cuts it out for you automatically.
I have the Cricut Explore Air pictured above, which has bluetooth and wireless capability. The Cricut Explore One is basically the same machine minus the bluetooth and wireless features, but you can buy a wireless adapter for the Explore One Machine separately. The Cricut Explore One Machine is of course cheaper without the wireless and is pictured below.
They also came out with a newer model of my machine, called the Cricut Explore Air 2. It cuts and writes 2xs faster so you can get even more done in less time. The materials you are able to cut is the same as the other Cricut Explore models and is a mint green color as pictured below.
Here’s a video of the Cricut Explore Air in action.
Some of the Projects I’ve Made With my Cricut:
Moana Fish Extender
Disney Cruise Door Decorations
The Incredibles Costumes for Pixar Night out of felt
Disney Mickey Ears LED Card Lights
How to Buy
If you’re interested in purchasing one of these awesome machines you can buy them through Cricut or Amazon. Hint, hint, Christmas is coming up and these machines would make an awesome present for any crafter or even wannabe crafter.
- Receive 10% off the Cricut Air or Air 2 Machines (bundles included) with code AUTUMNAIR
- Get FREE Shipping on all US & CA orders with code FALLSHIP at checkout!
- Codes are valid 9/1/17 – 9/30/17 via the Cricut Website.
Amazon’s prices are listed below:
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